Irkutsk Completes Impressive Tech Natural Gas Salvaging Project

A project on recycling natural and associated gas was initiated in Irkutsk Region. Previously it was simply burned. T

A project on recycling natural and associated gas was initiated in Irkutsk Region. Previously it was simply burned. The consumers of East Siberia already received the new unique product. The logistics capacity of the project will soon expand. Gas mixtures will be sent to the other regions by rail. Ilya Buklov reporting.

- Ruby six. — Go ahead.

- Release the cargo.

- Copy that.


This is the first shipment of a propane-butane mixture that was produced in the north of Irkutsk Region. Where until recently was a barren taiga, the newest rig is being installed. It recycles natural and associated, or oil gas in a matter of minutes.

The daily process is carefully navigated from the Operation Center. The rig, just like the whole plant, is going to operate 24/7.

Andrey Karaush, Deputy Chief Engineer: "Our project is very modern, the latest technology. Currently, it's not operating at its full capacity. Currently, we can acquire propane-butane fraction and condensate fraction. We are also capable of acquiring ethane fraction in the future, if needed".

Several years ago, the Irkutsk Oil Company decided to gradually stop burning gas and start recycling it. Their idea resulted in a completely new project for East Siberia.

Nikolay Buynov, Chairman of the Board, INK-Capital: "The Soviets discovered these deposits, we are working them, developing, using the gas. We might not understand it right now, but we might be forming a whole new industry here".

Hundreds of specialists from all over Russia are taking part in the construction. Alexandr Shabanov is practically always here even though the site is far from his home, Krasnodar, and by far much colder. He even swore not to shave until the construction is over.

Alexandr Shabanov, Gas Logistics Department: "They asked me, why I didn't shave. I said I won't until the first train leaves. I had to keep the promise".

The gas will soon be transported to customers by rail. The construction of the cargo hub is almost over. The customers are almost exclusively major industrial and municipal manufacturers. Hence the great volumes. The mixture of propane and butane traveled almost 200 km through a pipeline. Now the only thing left is loading it on the platform.

This is the storage of liquefied gases. The finished products are going to arrive here and stored in those huge tanks before it's sent to the customer. The raw materials are acquired in major Siberian gas fields. Ichedinskoye will soon supply associated gas. Its extraction began 2 years ago.

The equipment for even more powerful rigs is already purchased. They will allow to extract and recycle dozens of millions cubic meters of gas every day. This will help Irkutsk Region supply at least some neighboring regions with gas. Ilya Buklov, Eduard Chuzhiy, Anatoly Arkhipenko. Vesti, Irkutsk Region.