Invisible ‘Jail’ Zumwalt Super Destroyer Breaks Down at Testing

The newest American super-destroyer Zumwalt, which people also call an invisible destroyer broke down during testing. The US Navy reported that 24 hours in, the equipment that protects it from unwanted power fluctuations broke down.

The newest American super-destroyer Zumwalt, which people also call an invisible destroyer broke down during testing. The US Navy reported that 24 hours in, the equipment that protects it from unwanted power fluctuations broke down.


The use of electricity at high loads became impossible. The destroyer had to return to the shipyard in Maine. It's not the first time it broke down this year. The American seamen called their cruiser a "prison" although initially, the military had high hopes for it: they claimed that there was a unique gun on board.

But the operation of the destroyer proved too expensive even for the US Army. Each shot costs 800 thousand dollars. The ship itself costs approximately four and a half billion. The US Navy has already reduced the procurement plan for Zumwalt from 28 to 3 units.