Unprecedented Funds Flowing Into R&D! Russia is Poised to BOOST Domestic High-Tech Industry

How to create a scientific and technological leap for Russia? Where should priority be given — to nanotechnology, digitization, medicine, energy, or, maybe, to fundamental researches?

How to create a scientific and technological leap for Russia? Where should priority be given — to nanotechnology, digitization, medicine, energy, or, maybe, to fundamental researches? These topics were discussed at a meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences for two days.

Alena Rogozina's report on how scientific potential is turning into a competitive advantage of Russia.


The synchrotron mega-installation of the Kurchatov Institute allows us to look at any substance at the atomic level. Properties of living organisms can be given to ordinary things via atom modeling.

Mikhail Kovalchuk, head of the Kurchatov Institute: We took a piece of a semiconductor crystal. There are only 8 atoms in the unit cell. We built a unique civilization in 60 years. During this time, we understood how living beings work. Our task today is to combine fundamental technology, I mean solid-state microelectronics, with an understanding of how animate nature works.

There are revolutionary technologies in medicine. For the first time in history, a surgeon operated a completely digital robot to perform surgery inside of a living organism. The robot was made domestically. The surgeon is also Russian.

Dmitry Pushkar, Chief Urologist: This is our machine. It must be completed. It must be made. As we say, it must be provided to every hospital where it is necessary. Such operations should be performed there routinely. They should become a guarantee for our patients.

The President of the Russian Academy of Sciences has determined seven priority areas. High technology is one of the key non-energy exports of our country. Unprecedented investments became possible due to the "Science" National Project.

Alexander Sergeev, RAS President: We already have the first steps of implementing scientific projects in commercial products. Both science and business are ready to work together in this field. I think these scientific and technical programs will be developed in the near future.

Russia has enormous scientific potential. Research is continuing at Moscow State University with the help of the Lomonosov supercomputer. So far people have studied only 5% of the substance the universe consists of.

Viktor Sadovnichy, rector of Moscow State University: About 60% of the world's capacity has industrial and scientific application. They are used to obtain competitive products.

The process of turning research into innovations is considered to be a more important task than the flight to the moon, scientists say. The idea is that Russian and international companies interested in high technology would acquire innovative products here in Russia and use our technology base and our potential.

Alena Rogozina, Pavel Kostrikov, Alexander Feoktistov, Vesti.