Geno-Warfare! Zhirinovsky Convinced That US is Planning to Use Bio-Weapons to Wipe Out Russians!

Yakov Kedmi, political figure (Israel): Firstly, in modern history, the Americans were the first to use biological weapons, against Indians. It was absolutely blatant. It's an old thing. Secondly, biological weapons are very complex. It only seems that one just needs to take a test tube.

Yakov Kedmi, political figure (Israel): Firstly, in modern history, the Americans were the first to use biological weapons, against Indians. It was absolutely blatant. It's an old thing. Secondly, biological weapons are very complex. It only seems that one just needs to take a test tube. One needs to constantly produce microbes, as they die quickly. They need to be kept in certain conditions. They need to be transported in certain ways. They aren't very viable. Only a state can do it. As it was mentioned, a complex structure is necessary for that. One can't produce them out of nothing.

- So, a lone terrorist can't do it?


- No, he can't. Terrorists will use that if a state equips them with that. What documents in Georgia stated, which Igor obtained and presented, it's non-contact warfare. So, no country will go for open usage of biological weapons because they aren't the only weapons. Nuclear and thermonuclear weapons also exist. So, every state knows that if one uses them, one can use them if Afghanistan, for example, but it's senseless. But one can't use them against Russia or China as the response will be devastating. Therefore, they're designed just to destabilize the situation, for larger diversions, when one can hide behind something.

There's another point. American justice and democracy are very peculiar. What the law prohibits on United States territory is done in other states by the same Americans. There's torture in CIA prisons. Torture is prohibited. If it's done in Hungary, or Poland, or Lithuania, then it's allowed. And one lady, who dealt with that torture in the Philippines, as far as I remember, is now the director of the CIA, a respected person. She has experience. The Americans are starting to do just that along the perimeter of Russia and in the former Soviet states. It's convenient there and close to the scene of the action. But why is it dangerous, apart from the very fact of it? There was the balanced Georgian president, Saakashvili. On his instruction, they'd take a few ready items and use them against Russia. That's it, Americans would have nothing to do with it. Or take Mr. Parubiy. How many such laboratories are there in Ukraine?

- Eleven.

- I'm saying that they can do it in any of them. They're scumbags. They're absolutely delusional. So, the problem is…

- Tell me what we should do — get scared or try to oppose it somehow?

- Look, the great democratic country, the United States, destroyed Iraq. Why?

- There was a suspicion.

- There was a suspicion that biological weapons were being developed there. It wasn't proved.

- Colin Powell's famous test tube. That amount of powder is enough to kill millions of people. That's what he said, right?

- Firstly, there are such powders, but they aren't biological weapons, which can be enough. If we take that Novichok gas, which was allegedly used in London, if it had been really used, then 0.3 ounces could have easily destroyed London. All of London.

- Maybe, one had better torture? I understand that it isn't our method.

- Why?

- Look at what Trump is doing. Trump deliberately withdraws from any form of agreement which ties their hands. Every time, we jump the gun. As people of good will, we signed the paper on chemical weapons, destroyed everything, and they say: "we don't have the money to destroy ours." And it happens all the time. They just use our honesty and kindheartedness. They oppose them with total hypocrisy.

- Last week, an international conference was held in Sochi.

- ...and the performance of the agreements that we have.

- There are no agreements. Forget it. De facto, Americans have already withdrawn from all treaties.

- What did Obama manage to do? Obama adopted the law on the so-called garage biotechnology. What is garage biotechnology? They said that it's accessible. One needs $35,000 to buy equipment. Any garage will do. And if a person knows something about microbiology, he'll sit in his garage and will be able to make a recipe for some worthless terrorist biological action for sure. How can it be controlled?

- I'll tell you that given that and not being a head of intelligence services, you won't leave this room.

- Me?

- Of course. If you admit that you can create a weapon for a terrorist organization, then the two respectable generals should do everything possible so that you don't have such an opportunity.

- They're both retired now.

- Once a general, always a general.

Igor Giorgadze, former Minister of State Security of Georgia: Excuse me. One of the ways to keep the world safe, according to that conference that was held, national governments, by the way, it's a merit of the current Georgian government, undertook the full responsibility for that laboratory and funded it. Last I heard, out of 50 people, there are only 5 left.

- Why are we keeping silent about the town of Salisbury? Why aren't we saying that Salisbury is primarily famous for a big number of laboratories of a certain type? And everything that happened there isn't a coincidence. When they begin to talk about those two victims — a former Russian citizen and a current one, and two Englishmen, nobody has yet established what substance it was, where it came from, and how it happened.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the LDPR party: And they won't establish because we look above ground. If we look underground, we see that everything is designed to destroy humankind. Seven billion people are too many. They propose to leave 300 million. Their government then proposes to leave two million. But they need to destroy the rest. How will they destroy them? There are biological and chemical weapons. Look, Ebola fever suddenly appeared out of the blue, now it disappeared again. And it appeared again when necessary. It's a biological weapon. What is AIDS? It never existed before. Does anybody know the agent of AIDS? This is a biological weapon, too. It can destroy as many people as possible. That's the goal. To use nuclear weapons is too dangerous, everyone is afraid. Chemical weapons are noticeable, and they can escape. And nobody can escape from biological weapons. A flea, a mosquito, or a mouse, anyone will bite you, touch you, and the infection will begin to spread all over the planet. Therefore, we need to impose an ultimatum to those territories where there are laboratories that we don't control. Either we'll be given control over them or we'll destroy them. All of the laboratories should be destroyed with direct, targeted strikes. What else can we do?

Igor Giorgadze: After all, it'll have a blowback.

- And we don't care about a blowback. Don't build laboratories that start…

- Wait, Yakov hasn't been given the floor yet.

- Let him say his last word, defendant Yakov. Last word.

- Mr. Kedmi.

Yakov Kedmi: I'd like to reiterate that biological weapons are always developed. All countries seriously work on them so that they can find an antidote for them. That's why, in this case, it's dangerous not because some countries will use them, I reiterate that at least, it won't be used against serious countries with serious weapons. It's dangerous because, on the instruction of those countries, it'll get into the hands of other perpetrators, such as Parubiy or Saakashvili, whom I've already mentioned. Since they have it at their disposal and their people work, they can use it. And this is the main danger.