Oprah Takes Swipe at President: Disparaging Donald Trump Has Become National Pastime in US

America literally lives in encroachments and a propensity for unjustified violence. The main victim of encroachments and violence is President Donald Trump. One can do a number on him unscrupulously, which is considered haut ton.

Dmitry Kiselyov:

America literally lives in encroachments and a propensity for unjustified violence. The main victim of encroachments and violence is President Donald Trump. One can do a number on him unscrupulously, which is considered haut ton.

Valentin Bogdanov has the details.


Leaving the Walter Reed National Military Hospital, where Trump underwent his first medical examination as the US President, he looked trim: he shook hands with the personal doctor, saluted the Marines, climbed the airstairs cheerfully. During his flight, the results of the examination were ready.

Sarah Sanders: "The President's physical exam today at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center went exceptionally well. The President is in excellent health".

But this is about the physical form. Trump wasn't examined by a psychiatrist contrary to what many people wanted. Michael Wolff with his scandalous bestseller "Fire and Fury: inside the Trump White House", spurred the discussions of President's being off his nut. Wolff's House turned out yellow.

- According to your reporting, everyone around Trump questions his fitness for office.

Michael Wolff:

- Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, working in their posts, blame it all on Donald Trump. Everyone who works with him says the same thing: he is like a child who wants to constantly be in the spotlight and to be encouraged.

- You say that his employees question his intellect. And what exactly do they say?

- They say he's a dumbhead, an idiot. There's a whole competition in the malign characteristics of this man. Let's not forget that he does not read anything, he does not listen to anyone, skipping from side to side like a ball on a pintable.

Wolff knows Trump at arm's length. But, like many of Trump's ill-wishers, the author of the scandalous book unconditionally believes in TV medicine, meaning that he makes a diagnosis based on the fragments from the reports. Here Trump, leaving the plane, lost the limousine and almost got lost. And here, having announced that he was going to sign a law, went to the door instead of signing the paper. Vice-President Pence had to rush after him. Handshakes that turn into arm-wrestling and a tendency to push objects away are also perceived as a reason to make Trump see the doctor, as well as his habit to repeat the same thing many times.

Cartoon frame:

"Then it was Ohio, and I said WOW, then it was Wisconsin, Hillary urged me to recognize a defeat, but I officially became the President. You wanna hear it again?"

The series "Our Cartoon President" is something like an adapted version of Wolff's book for a mass audience. Producer Stephen Colbert made a cartoon of all the prevailing stereotypes.

"Why are you looking at me? There's a TV in the room".

Trump's gaffe about the supply of fighter aircraft F-52 to Norway, which exist only in the computer game Call of Duty and now in many memes, wasn't included in the cartoon scenario. The US president has got lost in the US combat aviation only the other day.

However, after a meeting with Prime Minister Erna Solberg he spoke not only about incredible things, but about obvious as well.

Donald Trump: "I think it's much better to work with Russia, which is much better when dealing with North Korea. It's much better to work with other countries, be it China, Russia, India or other countries around the world. This is good, not bad".

Trump did not try to explain how it can be compatible with anti-Russian sanctions.

But Ms. Solberg tried to. "It's incompatible, the restrictions only harm the Norwegian economy," she told the White House pool.

"But Russia interfered not only in our elections, but also in yours", the US correspondents kept asking her.

Erna Solberg: "We had our own elections, and we could not find any evidence that some other country tried to interfere in them. I think that these were very Norwegian elections with the Norwegian participants".

"What can these Norwegians understand about their elections?", must have thought Sen. Ben Cardin, including Oslo in the list of democracies attacked by Moscow. The 200-page document compared the invented Russian interference in the American elections to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. A list of 30 recommendations was made up to avoid ignoring.

They also include strengthening lobbyism to counter Russian oil and gas projects. But the cold frosts cooled the ardor of the senators. During the frosts, the price for gas soared to $6,300 per a thousand cubic meters, which forced American traders to urgently seek an alternative.

Right now the Atlantic is being crossed by the French Gaselys tanker, which left the British terminal Isle of Grain with cargo of hydrocarbons from the Yamal LNG plant. Speaking Cardin's language, the 'interference' of the Russian gas into the US energy system is expected on January 22.

For the largest regasification terminal in America, Everett (Massachusetts), the Yamal gas is the first foreign supply over the past 4 years.

The snow storm that struck the East coast spoiled the game of those who planned to make the USA a world exporter of LNG, not an importer. The American politics is stormy too. Trump's statement about immigrants provoked another backlash. At a closed meeting with the senators (there were also Democrats among them, who could garble it) Trump allegedly called the countries of Africa, El Salvador and Haiti "shitholes". The translation of the world is mild.

A familiar fringe is now sticking out of a black hole on the cover of The New Yorker magazine. 54 African countries demand apologies from the US president. And the liberal CNN hosts shoo anyone who tries not even forgive Trump, but just understand him.

- The reality is that these racist views are often observed in the President's words.

John Frederick, former co-chairman of Donald Trump's campaign headquarters in Virginia: "It's not about the race, as you put it, it's too easy, it's about the economy. I want to say that your children will have a better economic future, they will have much more chances to find a good job than under another president. Wait, wait, let me finish, I've been given the floor.

- I'll mute your microphone, John. Can anybody do it? Can you? Thanks.

Trump's trick is a godsend for his opponents. The investigation of the special prosecutor Mueller is stalled, having turned to Manafort's Ukrainian adventures which are obviously far from the American elections. And now an impeachment is a relevant subject again.

Andrew Biggs, Republican member of the House of Representatives: “Democrats are already preparing a resolution that will accompany the impeachment petition, the "Russian" investigation is bobbing up again. From the very beginning of Trump's presidential term, they tried to undermine his credibility. I do not think that this whole situation was beneficial to the President, or to Democrats themselves. Those who still believe them are their last stronghold."

They are a majority in Hollywood. Actor Sean Penn has declared Trump the enemy of humanity. Popular TV presenter Oprah Winfrey's speech at the Golden Globe Awards was even considered to hint at her possibly running for the presidency in 2020. It actually was about sexual violence, but looked like a pre-election rally.

Oprah Winfrey: "I want to tell all the girls who are looking at me that the new day is already on the horizon".

Winfrey and boys and girls who are ready to support her can daringly look to the future as the survey data allows for it. Were the election to be held now, the potential Democratic candidate would be 10% ahead of Trump.

Valentin Bogdanov, Ivan Utkin, and Denis Lisitsyn for Vesti — News of the Week from the USA.