Sergey Lavrov: Terrorists Are Using Chemical Weapons and West is Shamelessly Covering For Them

The West turns a blind eye to the production and use of poisonous substances by militants in Syria, has stated Sergey Lavrov at a meeting of the UN Security Council. It was dedicated to the weapons of mass destruction.

The West turns a blind eye to the production and use of poisonous substances by militants in Syria, has stated Sergey Lavrov at a meeting of the UN Security Council. It was dedicated to the weapons of mass destruction. The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry reminded that it was Moscow who had called for a resolution condemning such crimes for three years. But Western colleagues rejected these proposals. Russia once again called for a conference to establish Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone.

In addition, Sergey Lavrov proposed to create a new mechanism to investigate chemical attacks.


Sergey Lavrov: "We've recently witnessed unwearying efforts to manipulate the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the Joint Investigative Mechanism that is no longer operative, which we deem lamentable. We confirm our proposal to create a new mechanism to investigate chemical attacks in Syria based on the principles in full compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention".

The previous mechanism for investigating chemical attacks was criticized by Moscow because none of the specialists ever visited the site of the use of poisonous substances. At the same time, Damascus was found guilty of these crimes.

In addition, the meeting covered North Korea's increasingly frequent tests. Moscow considers it important to extend the moratorium on any nuclear explosions, Lavrov said.